Gone are simply the days when African ‘Huge Men’ propagated themselves in patterns of proceeded with initiative and force. The contemporary African populace is turning out to be all the more politically illuminated and their political direction has moved from the since quite a while ago settled political culture to more develop vote-based advancement. The breezes of progress are seething across the district thus summoned ‘third termers’ are blurring. Today, something like 75% or a greater number of official organizations are intertwined with term limits, as indicated by the 2015 Afro barometer report. While service time restrictions been rejected in something like nine African nations like Niger, Chad, Rwanda, Cameroon, Togo, Uganda, Guinea, Djibouti and Gabon, some defiant political pioneers have endeavoured to clutch power through the instrumentality of protected control or genuine noncompliance to set up service time restraints. Some of these systems have thought that it was not difficult to do as such, by directing sacred control through parliamentarians. When their gathering holds the larger part in parliament, it turns out to be not difficult to accomplish residency lengthening. This political rationale has been seen in a large group of African nations, including Nigeria under President Olusegun Obasanjo looking for his third term after the finish of two terms. The stretching was later barricaded by the upper authoritative chamber – National Assembly.